Spring Feeder Cleaning (2025)
9:00 AM09:00

Spring Feeder Cleaning (2025)

Bring your dirty and hard-to-clean feeders to our Fall Feeder Cleaning at Bloomington Hardware on April 5th. Feeder drop off is from 9 - 2pm and pick up is from 2 - 4pm. Suggested donation is $5 per feeder.

Bloomington Hardware will offer 20% off all bird feeders and food on April 5th.

We depend heavily on volunteers to make this event a success so please email sas@sassafrasaudubon.org if you can help!

Please note that there will be NO early bird feeder drop-off.

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7:00 PM19:00

SAS Speaker Series with David Rupp: Birds of the Tropics

David Rupp, owner of IndiGo Birding Nature Tours and past-president of SAS, will discuss Belize and Costa Rica as tropical birding destinations. He will introduce everyone to some of the bird families and species found in the tropics, using photos from the many tours he has led to these Central American countries. He will also give tips for trip-planning and the pros and cons of each country as a tour destination. Please come join us for an evening of colorful birds and interesting discussion, with plenty of time for questions at the end. 

Header image: Golden-hooded tanager. Below: Boat-billed heron.

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Ducks and Donuts (Spring 2025)
8:00 AM08:00

Ducks and Donuts (Spring 2025)

  • 2144 S McGowan Rd Bloomington, IN, 47401 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The ducks are back, and so is Sassafras Audubon's Semi-Annual Ducks and Donuts at the Stillwater Marsh observation platform. We will be there from 8–11 a.m. with donuts, coffee, binoculars to spare, and scopes to spot ducks through. Please stop by this free and fun event to bird and chat, share your best duck identification tips, and enjoy the snacks and scenery. Welcome to birders of all ages and levels of experience.

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Woodcock Walk at Flatwoods County Park
7:00 PM19:00

Woodcock Walk at Flatwoods County Park

Join us for an evening at Flatwoods Monroe County Park to witness the spectacular Woodcock Mating Ritual! From 7–9 PM on March 15, 2025, experience the mesmerizing "sky dance" of these elusive birds as they perform their aerial courtship displays. Bring binoculars, dress for the weather, and enjoy this unique nature event!

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9:00 AM09:00

November Bird Trip to Muscatatuck NWR

  • 12985 E. U.S Highway 50, Sey Fleming, IN, 47274 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For a nice variety of waterfowl, woodpeckers, and 3 or more species of sparrows. Possible Golden-crowned Kinglet and Yellow-rumped Warblers. Slight possibility for Sandhill Crane.

This should be a very enjoyable, birdy experience, if the weather doesn't get in the way.


If in doubt, check with leader,

Pete Webb, pete6314webb@gmail.com, or 443 904-6314,

to learn if the trip is on or is canceled.

Meet either 7:15 a.m. at the Sam's Club parking lot off of Bloomfield Road, for carpooling, or 9 a.m. at the Muscatatuck NWR visitor center.


For the Sam's Club lot - from I-69 southbound, the next exit after 3rd St is for state route 45, Bloomfield Rd. Don't take the ramp going right for 45 southwest bound, take the straight portion, right lane, and wait for the light, to go across Bloomfield/45 and it wil take you to the back of the Sam's Club parking lot. Look for a gray 4-door sedan parked in the lot with a tripod placed on its roof. People carpooling for the SAS Muscatatuck trip will consolidate there into fewer cars to save gas, and to save parking space at Muscatatuck.

For people preferring to drive without car pool, Muscatatuck is a short distance east of Seymour off U.S. 50. For most folks in the Bloomington area, the shortest route is state route 46 east to eventually reach I-65, go south on I-65 to U.S. Route 50, go west on US 50 about 3 miles, watch for sign for Muscatatuck on the right, turn right, go about 1/2 mile to the entrance for the visitor center on the right, and go about 0.1 mi. to the lot for the visitor center. Driving time from Bloomington typically about 1 hour 10 or 15 minutes, depending on where you are in Bloomington and depending on traffic.

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8:00 AM08:00

Ducks and Donuts (Fall 2024)

  • 39.14321202230265, -86.39285153873688 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The ducks are back, and so is Sassafras Audubon's Semi-Annual Ducks and Donuts at the Stillwater Marsh observation platform. We will be there from 8–11 a.m. with donuts, coffee, binoculars to spare, and scopes to spot ducks through. Please stop by this free and fun event to bird and chat, share your best duck identification tips, and enjoy the snacks and scenery. Welcome to birders of all ages and levels of experience.

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Windows as Threats to Birds: SAS Speaker Series with Sarah Wanamaker
7:30 PM19:30

Windows as Threats to Birds: SAS Speaker Series with Sarah Wanamaker

  • Monroe County Public Library, Room 1B (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at Monroe Co. Public Library, Room 1B, for the first event in our SAS Speaker Series, presented by Sarah Wanamaker.

Description: Birds colliding with windows are a major cause of avian mortality. Sarah Wanamaker has been leading a team of undergraduates in documenting fatal avian window strikes on IU’s campus since 2020. They are also developing a novel sensor to passively detect window strikes. As part of her efforts to raise awareness about this issue, Sarah will discuss what makes buildings dangerous to birds as well as strategies to reduce bird-window collisions.

Bio: Sarah is a native New Yorker who received her B.S. in Wildlife Biology from the University of Vermont and her M.S. in Biology from Washington State University. Since 2018, she has worked at IU as a lab manager for Biology’s Dr. Ellen Ketterson, research associate for the Environmental Resilience Institute, and staff scientist for the Midwest Center for Conservation. In her free time, Sarah enjoys hiking, traveling, dogs, painting, and ceramics.

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Annual Big Sit! at Goose Pond
7:00 AM07:00

Annual Big Sit! at Goose Pond

Enjoy the spectacular fall bird migration in the company of fellow bird and nature enthusiasts at the Goose Pond Fish & Wildlife Area. Join DNR, FoGP, and Sassafras Audubon Society during The Big Sit! an international event focused on recording all bird observations at one location over the course of a day.

The Big Sit! is a stationary birding opportunity; enjoy birding with others while sitting in one place. All ages and experience levels are welcome at this free event.

Participants are welcome to come for the whole event, or come and go as desired.

Return here for updates as the event nears. Look for us behind the Visitor Center on 10/13. Stop by, introduce yourself, and join the fun! We’ll be there all day!

Check out Friends of Goose Pond here!

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Fall Feeder Cleaning
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Feeder Cleaning

Bring your dirty and hard-to-clean feeders to our Fall Feeder Cleaning at Bloomington Hardware on October 12th. Feeder drop off is from 9 - 2pm and pick up is from 2 - 4pm. Suggested donation is $5 per feeder.

Bloomington Hardware will offer 20% off all bird feeders and food on October 12. Additionally, we will be giving away a free suet cake to each participant as a thank-you for your support (one per individual, while supplies last).

We depend heavily on volunteers to make this event a success so please email sas@sassafrasaudubon.org if you can help!

Please note that there will be NO early bird feeder drop-off.

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September Bird Hike at Bean Blossom Bottoms
8:30 AM08:30

September Bird Hike at Bean Blossom Bottoms

Explore this Sycamore Land Trust nature preserve, featuring wetlands and forest. Barred Owls and Red-headed Woodpeckers are resident year-round, along with 5 other woodpecker species. The Red-headed Woodpeckers are almost guaranteed to be easily heard and seen.

Cancelled if rain.

There may or may not be lingering Prothonotary Warbler; they nest there and are easy to see spring and summer.

Late summer into fall, migrant warblers may also be seen, some at eye level in the bushes in the wetlands next to the trail boardwalk.

Walking is level, about 2 miles, most of it on plastic or wooden boardwalks. No uphill or downhill slopes.

Meet 8:00 a.m. in the parking lot for the shopping center at Rt 46 (Ellettsville Road) and Union Valley Road. From downtown, find your way to Rt 46 heading northwest. Watch for a traffic light with an Old National Bank behind it on the right. Turn right at the light onto Union Valley Road, then left into the shopping center lot.

Car pool or shuttle from there 5 miles to the tiny parking lot entrance to the Preserve.

Bring insect repellant; some portions of the woods are infested with hungry mosquitos summer and fall.

This place is easy to visit weekday mornings, but on weekends the small entrance lot at the preserve is likely to be full, it only has room for about 6 cars at most. Directions to Bean Blossom Bottoms: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3aywiiCMvzkjbEGXA

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Swifts in the City
8:00 PM20:00

Swifts in the City

  • 627 W 8th St Bloomington, IN, 47404 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

UPDATE: Location has been changed to the chimney swift tower at Fairview Elementary.

Join us for an evening urban birdin’ excursion!

Taylor Ransdell of Sassafras Audubon Society will lead a short evening outing on Saturday, August 17th from approximately 8:00-9:00 p.m. We will be watching for Chimney swifts, which roost shortly before sunset. We will also discuss their ecology and conservation. We will meet in the parking lot of Fairview Elementary, 627 W 8th St, Bloomington.

We will continue monitoring the location as the date approaches, and will post updates if plans change. Please pre-register by contacting Taylor at: tsransdell@outlook.com.

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Bird Hike at Clear Creek Trail
8:00 AM08:00

Bird Hike at Clear Creek Trail

  • Clear Creek Trail Bloomington, IN, 47403 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Taylor Ransdell will lead a Sassafras Audubon Society bird walk on Saturday, July 27th from 8:00-10:00 a.m. We will meet in the Clear Creek trail head parking lot off of W Tapp Road (39.13615, -86.56101) and walk the trail south. We will be looking for summer resident birds and their recently fledged young. The walk will be on the flat asphalt path, expect to walk between 2-3 miles. Maximum of 20 people. Please pre-register by contacting Taylor at: tsransdell@outlook.com.

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Bird Hike at Pate Hollow
7:30 AM07:30

Bird Hike at Pate Hollow

There will be a Sassafras Audubon Society bird watching hike on Saturday, June 22 on the Pate Hollow Trail at Paynetown SRA at 7:30 a.m. We will meet in the trailhead parking lot behind the Lake Monroe office building on SR 446. This outing will be more physically challenging than our usual bird walks, as we plan to hike a 3-mile loop trail. The hike should conclude between 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

Last year we did this trip and found 27 species of birds, including 4 species of warblers, and we got a couple of brief looks at a Yellow-billed Cuckoo at treetop, and good looks at a singing Summer Tanager. A few of us did see a Scarlet Tanager at the lot before the hike started, and a Yellow-throated Warbler at the lot, as people were leaving.

Please pre-register by contacting leader Pete Webb pete6314webb@gmail.com or 443-904-6314. Maximum of 20 people.

Directions: from intersection of state routes 46 and 446 east of Bloomington, go south on Rt 446 6.2 miles, turn right towards park office building, just before main park entrance. Follow loop around behind the building and park at far left northwest corner of the lot, Pate Hollow Trailhead.
(Follow the U-shaped loop which keeps park building on right, then at lot go to far left corner ahead of you. https://goo.gl/maps/Syxz4UE6qAvDJgQU6).

Photo by David Rupp.

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8:30 AM08:30

Griffy Lake Field Trip

Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 8:30 AM at 3595 N Headley Rd. Bloomington IN 47408

For early migrant warblers and summer resident arrivals. Wood Thrush probably will be heard-only but present. Parula warbler, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Scarlet Tanager and Baltimore Oriole are species likely to be present and singing, having recently arrived. Other possible birds are Green Heron, Bald Eagle, some spring migrant warblers, and some sandpipers on the flats. The trail might be muddy if recent rains, you might do well to wear boots. The walk will start with a mostly level walk along the lake side, and then return most of the way back, with an option to split there, one can go back to the lot, or join with hardier souls heading up the hill to a field edge, more chances to encounter more birds.

Meet 8:30 a.m. at parking lot off Headley Road which becomes Hinkle Road north of the reservoir where the parking lot will be on the right (east). Click here for location and trail map.

Directions: from state route 45, go north on E Matlock Rd. (It's Fee Lane south of 45). Where Matlock ends at Headly Rd, turn left (north), follow it all the way to the bridge over the reservoir, cross the bridge and immediately right (east) into the parking lot. Walk might not go if it's pouring rain, but if it's just light sprinkles we'll go. A few pair of binoculars will be available to borrow.

Leader: Pete Webb (email, call or text)

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9:00 AM09:00

Spring Feeder Cleaning

Saturday, April 20

The Sassafras Audubon Society will hold its Spring Feeder Cleaning on Saturday, April 20 at Bloomington Hardware. Your feeders will be cleaned and sanitized to protect the birds you love. Feeders can be dropped off between 9am-2pm and picked up between 2pm–4pm that same day. A donation of $5 per feeder is suggested. Bloomington Hardware will have bird feeders and seed at 20% off on Saturday.

NOTE: there will be NO early feeder drop-off.

We depend on volunteers to make this event successful — Click hereto sign up as a volunteer for the event or contact us at sas@sassafrasaudubon.org if you can help.

Interested volunteers should signup as soon as possible to be considered. Volunteers will be contacted a week (or, hopefully sooner) prior to the event to confirm scheduling.

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7:00 PM19:00

Woodcock Walk at Flatwoods Park

Woodcock Walk at Flatwoods Park

Saturday, March 16th at 7pm

Join Patrick May of Sassafras Audubon Society for a special combined bird walk and American woodcock outing at Flatwoods Park on March 16th at 7:00PM. The goal of this program is to have everyone witness the courtship flight of the American Woodcock, an amazing spectacle early each year and a pre-sunset bird walk. Participants will gather at Flatwoods Park (9499 Flatwoods Rd.) west of Ellettsville at 7:00 PM to learn about the woodcocks and Flatwoods Park. We will then walk the concrete path before heading into the field for the woodcock show. After dark we will hope to hear the “peent” call and the spiraling flight that follows.

space is Limited to 20 people

All participants need to register by e-mailing Patrick at sas@sassafrasaudubon.org. attendees will need to sign a waiver at the park. it May be chilly and boots are advisable.

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9:00 AM09:00

Ducks and Donuts (Spring)

The ducks are back, and so is Sassafras Audubon's Semi-Annual Ducks and Donuts at the Stillwater Marsh observation platform. We will be there from 9–11 a.m. with donuts, coffee, binoculars to spare, and scopes to spot ducks through. Please stop by this free and fun event to bird and chat, share your best duck identification tips, and enjoy the snacks and scenery. Welcome to birders of all ages and levels of experience.

This event will also serve as the March meeting for the Young Birders Club. If you will be joining as part of that group, please click here to RSVP for the meeting.

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10:00 AM10:00

RCA Community Park Field Trip

Meet at the shelter at the end of RCA Park Dr.

You may contact the hike leader, Peter Webb, by e-mail or phone for more information.

RCA Community Park began as Thomson Community Park with the donation of 48.6 undeveloped acres on the city's southwest side by Thomson Consumer Electronics in October 1991. The company made the donation in recognition of the partnership forged between the residents of the community and this major industry. In 1992, a $75,000 Land and Water Conservation fund grant was awarded to the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department for partial development of the park. 

Early History Trail (0.7 mi.) begins near the tennis courts and proceeds south into a wooded area. The trail extends around the maintained section of the community park, detailing the natural and cultural history of the area.

Thomson Woods Trail (0.74 mi.) Two intersecting loops make up this wooded trail. The trail starts from the Early History Trail and wanders through the forest and a clearing. The trail contains a few interpretive signs and ends at the Small Shelter.

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8:30 AM08:30

Young Birders Club Meeting

The Young Birders Club is intended for ages 5 – 10 years old. Reservations are required for this event.

Activities will include a bird walk led by SAS board member Casey Jones and a scavenger hunt on the Switchyard Park Playground.

Please submit your RSVP to attend this meeting by Wednesday, November 29th.  

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6:00 PM18:00

Give a WHOOP: Whooping Crane Ambassador Training

  • Karst Farm Park Commons Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who is ready to give a WHOOP for Whooping Cranes?? Help MCPR and The International Crane Foundation raise awareness and appreciation for the endangered WHOOPING CRANE by attending our FREE Whooping Crane Ambassador Training on November 17, 2023! Training begins at 6:00pm and ends at 7:30pm.

Attendees will learn an overview of Whooping Crane ecology, conservation history, and become an official trained volunteer!

This event is open to all ages.

Act fast — Registration is limited to 25! Please complete a new registration for each person you are registering. Ages 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult guardian.

For questions, please contact Autumn Brunelle at abrunelle@co.monroe.in.us or 812-349-2805

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8:00 AM08:00

Ducks and Donuts (Fall)

The ducks are back, and so is Sassafras Audubon's Semi-Annual Ducks and Donuts at the Stillwater Marsh observation platform. We will be there from 8–11 a.m. with donuts, coffee, binoculars to spare, and scopes to spot ducks through. Please stop by this free and fun event to bird and chat, share your best duck identification tips, and enjoy the snacks and scenery. Welcome to birders of all ages and levels of experience.

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10:00 AM10:00

Citizen Science for the Birds

Hosted by Sassafras Audubon Society from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., featuring bird walks and information about how you can help our local birds survive and thrive!

Presentation schedule

  • 10:30 Protecting Birds: rewilding your yard (elisa pokral, go green district)

  • 11:00 Feeding Winter birds (Ken Keffer, Wild Birds Unlimited)

  • 11:30 barn owls (grace le cuyler, indiana dnr)

  • 12:00 Window Bird Strikes (Malaak Alqaisi, IU Ketterson Lab)

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Fall Bird Feeder Cleaning
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Bird Feeder Cleaning

Bring your dirty and hard-to-clean bird feeders to our Fall Feeder Cleaning at Bloomington Hardware on October 7, 2023. Feeder drop off is from 9am – 2pm and pick up is from 2 – 4pm. Suggested donation is $5 per feeder. If you will be out of town on Saturday, you can drop off your feeders on Friday and pick them up Sunday or Monday. Remember — a clean, sanitized bird feeder is important to the health of the birds you love.

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7:00 PM19:00

September Annual Meeting

  • Monroe County Public Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our annual meeting will be held on Monday, September 11 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend! The meeting will be held at the downtown Monroe County Public Library in Room 1C. We have an exciting guest speaker, Allisyn Gillet, state ornithologist, who will be speaking about the Indiana Wood Thrush Conservation Project.

We are in need of several new board members, so if you are interested in joining our board or volunteering, please attend this meeting.

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Bird Hike at Pate Hollow
8:00 AM08:00

Bird Hike at Pate Hollow

David Rupp of IndiGo Birding Nature Tours will lead a Sassafras Audubon Society hike on Tuesday, June 27 on the Pate Hollow Trail at Paynetown SRA at 8:00 a.m. We will meet in the trailhead parking lot behind the Lake Monroe office building on SR 446 (https://goo.gl/maps/Syxz4UE6qAvDJgQU6). This outing will be considerably more challenging than our typical bird walks, as we plan to hike the 3-mile loop. The hike should conclude between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. Please pre-register by contacting David (david_rupp@hotmail.com or 812-679-8978). Maximum of 20 people.

Photo by David Rupp.

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8:30 AM08:30

2nd Bird Walk at Morgan-Monroe State Forest

David Rupp of IndiGo Birding Nature Tours will lead a Sassafras Audubon Society bird walk on Tuesday, May 30 at Morgan-Monroe State Forest at 8:30 a.m. We will meet at the State Forest headquarters at 6220 Forest Rd. (https://goo.gl/maps/tdapdqq4j6vtxmu66). Carpooling is encouraged. Plan on walking some of the trails that start near the headquarters. Please pre-register by contacting David (david_rupp@hotmail.com or 812-679-8978). Maximum of 20 people.

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Bird Walk at Morgan-Monroe State Forest
8:30 AM08:30

Bird Walk at Morgan-Monroe State Forest

David Rupp of IndiGo Birding Nature Tours will lead a Sassafras Audubon Society bird walk on Thursday, May 25 at Morgan-Monroe State Forest at 8:30 a.m. We will meet at the State Forest headquarters at 6220 Forest Rd. (https://goo.gl/maps/tdapdqq4j6vtxmu66). Carpooling is encouraged. Plan on walking some of the trails that start near the headquarters. Please pre-register by contacting David (david_rupp@hotmail.com or 812-679-8978). Maximum of 20 people.

Photo by David Rupp.

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9:00 AM09:00

Spring Feeder Cleaning

We will hold our Spring Feeder Cleaning on Saturday, April 22 at Bloomington Hardware. Your feeders will be cleaned and sanitized to protect the birds you love. Feeders can be dropped off between 9am-2pm and picked up between 2pm–4pm that same day. A donation of $5 per feeder is suggested. If you are out of town that weekend, you may drop off your feeders and donation on Friday at Bloomington Hardware and pick it up on Monday. Bloomington Hardware will have bird feeders and seed at 20% off on Saturday.

We depend on volunteers to make this event successful – please contact us at: sas@sassafrasaudubon.org if you can help.

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9:00 AM09:00

Bird Walk at Stillwater Marsh with David Rupp

David Rupp of IndiGo Birding Nature Tours will lead a Sassafras Audubon Society bird walk on Friday, April 21 at Stillwater Marsh at 9am. Plan on walking the levee in search of newly arrived migrant songbirds; we will also search for birds in the marsh as well. We will meet at the parking area south of the observation platform on McGowan Rd. Please pre-register by contacting David (david_rupp@hotmail.com or 812-679-8978). Maximum of 20 people.

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8:30 AM08:30

Bird Walk at Clear Creek Trail

Bob Watson will lead a Sassafras Audubon Society bird walk on Thursday, April 6th from 8:30-10:30 a.m. We will meet in the Clear Creek trail head parking lot off of W Tapp Road (39.13615, -86.56101) and walk the trail south. We will be looking for early spring migrants and any resident birds. The walk will be on the flat asphalt path, expect to walk between 2-3 miles. Maximum of 20 people. Please pre-register by contacting Bob at: sas@sassafrasaudubon.org.

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