Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 8:30 AM at 3595 N Headley Rd. Bloomington IN 47408
For early migrant warblers and summer resident arrivals. Wood Thrush probably will be heard-only but present. Parula warbler, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Scarlet Tanager and Baltimore Oriole are species likely to be present and singing, having recently arrived. Other possible birds are Green Heron, Bald Eagle, some spring migrant warblers, and some sandpipers on the flats. The trail might be muddy if recent rains, you might do well to wear boots. The walk will start with a mostly level walk along the lake side, and then return most of the way back, with an option to split there, one can go back to the lot, or join with hardier souls heading up the hill to a field edge, more chances to encounter more birds.
Meet 8:30 a.m. at parking lot off Headley Road which becomes Hinkle Road north of the reservoir where the parking lot will be on the right (east). Click here for location and trail map.
Directions: from state route 45, go north on E Matlock Rd. (It's Fee Lane south of 45). Where Matlock ends at Headly Rd, turn left (north), follow it all the way to the bridge over the reservoir, cross the bridge and immediately right (east) into the parking lot. Walk might not go if it's pouring rain, but if it's just light sprinkles we'll go. A few pair of binoculars will be available to borrow.
Leader: Pete Webb (email, call or text)