All photography provided by Friends of SAS
The Sassafras Audubon Society annually provides a limited number of monetary awards of up to $2000 each to support individuals or organizations planning to undertake efforts in Monroe, Lawrence, Owen, Greene, Morgan, Jackson, Brown, or Bartholomew counties that will help to achieve the mission of SAS.
SAS will fund projects that fall within one or more of the following categories: ‘research,’ ‘education,’ and ‘habitat.’ Download the grant proposal guidelines below for examples.
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to and include 3 documents in this order:
Completed application form (available below)
Narrative of 1,000 words or less describing how the funds requested would be utilized and how the project would help to fulfill the SAS mission
Itemized budget overviewing requested funds
Proposals requesting more than $500 are due on December 1st. The grants committee will evaluate such proposals received by December 1st and inform applicants whether or not their grant proposal will be funded by February 1st. Proposals requesting $500 or less can be submitted anytime. The grants committee will evaluate such proposals within two months of when they are received. The decision to fund a project will depend upon the amount of money available for grants in a given year, and the degree to which the applicant has convinced the committee that their project will help to advance the mission of SAS.