Bloomington Hardware, 2700 E Covenanter Dr, Bloomington, IN 47401
Saturday, April 20
The Sassafras Audubon Society will hold its Spring Feeder Cleaning on Saturday, April 20 at Bloomington Hardware. Your feeders will be cleaned and sanitized to protect the birds you love. Feeders can be dropped off between 9am-2pm and picked up between 2pm–4pm that same day. A donation of $5 per feeder is suggested. Bloomington Hardware will have bird feeders and seed at 20% off on Saturday.
NOTE: there will be NO early feeder drop-off.
We depend on volunteers to make this event successful — Click hereto sign up as a volunteer for the event or contact us at if you can help.
Interested volunteers should signup as soon as possible to be considered. Volunteers will be contacted a week (or, hopefully sooner) prior to the event to confirm scheduling.