Wednesday, October 28, 2020
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and the cancellation of in-person dining venues, this event has been canceled. Please stay tuned for more safely distanced outdoor events and Zoom events from Sassafras Audubon.
October 28th, 2020 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Sassafras Audubon Society. Each year SAS hosts a banquet to celebrate SAS members' work and achievements, to connect the SAS community, and to recognize individuals for their outstanding work contributing to SAS’s mission of conservation. In addition, this year we will celebrate fifty years of conservation work for the birds and look forward to future projects. Three yearly awards will be presented: the Barbara Restle Founder’s Award, the Lifetime Conservationist Award, and the Donald R. Whitehead Conservationist of the Year Award. The year’s anniversary banquet will also include a guest speaker on a topic central to SAS’s mission. Discounts on tickets are available for students and young professionals.